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De La Flor


Your Local Florist & Wedding Specialist


Florist Services

From our world class floral arrangements and

unparalleled designs, to our award winning floral artists, we provide everything you need to bring your ideas to life and help you create the wedding that you've always dreamed of!


Bridal Bouquets

Nothing says more about you than your Bridal Bouquet.  Just as no two brides are just alike, no two De La Flor bridal Bouquets are the same. We will work closely with you to make sure your personal style is captured with the right flowers in the perfect Bridal Bouquet.


Table Decor

Your table decor sets the mood for the best party you'll probably ever throw, and there is no end to the design possibilities.  We can decorate your reception for an elegant Black-tie affair, a casual beach wedding, a rustic, country theme, or anything else your heart desires!

Eye catching

Flowers to Wear

A boutonniere will add a touch of timeless elegance to a gentleman's attire. Wear it on the left close to your heart.

Ladies, your choices are many, beautiful flowers to adorn your wrist, a pin on corsage - an elegant touch to your ensemble or the latest trend a floral artistry.

Contact Us


The De La Flor Family


De La Flor Gardens is a family owned and operated florist & garden center

located in beautiful Cooper City, Florida.

Gus & Deborah De La Flor opened their doors in 1986 with the goal of

becoming South Florida's premier florist, and they haven't looked back.

Their unparalleled passion, enthusiasm & talent make for a floral

experience like no other.  We call it the De La Flor Difference!

We love making flower arrangements for all of life's occasions,

 weddings & parties are our passion.  

Please stop by and experience the De La Flor Difference for yourself!


Our design team is lead by Deborah De La Flor, aifd, pfci, and her team of amazing designers, Maryflor, Marta & Dana.  





Location & Hours

10781 Stirling Rd, Cooper City, FL 33328



Open Monday to Friday | 9:00am to 5:30pm

Saturday 9:00am to 4:00pm

Sunday | CLOSED


Call today for a complimentary consultation. 954-434-1717​

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©2017 by De La Flor Weddings, llc.

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